CLI Tools that I use daily


Managing different environments for the same program isn’t always straightforward, so I rely on a set of free tools that simplify the process. Most of these tools work well right out of the box or need only minimal setup. The tools mentioned here are used on Ubuntu 22.04, running within WSL2 on Windows 10. This post is designed as a quick-reference list, and I’ll update it as I add new tools to my workflow.

Obtaining Always Free Oracle Compute Instance


If you have a project in the back of your mind that you want to make available to a wider audience but don’t want to incur additional costs in the process, then this guide is for you. I will describe how to get a free lifetime VPS server, how to configure it, the limitations, and some useful tips.

Integrating Podman Desktop with your own wsl2 distribution


Previously, when I was using the Docker Desktop app, the integration between the app itself and the Docker installation within my WSL2 Ubuntu 22.04 distro was seamless. All I had to do was open the options and switch a toggle next to my Linux distribution.

Recently, I had to transition to the Podman Desktop app. Since Podman (similar to Docker) uses its own distribution within WSL to host its containers, I was surprised that the process wasn’t as smooth as it was with Docker Desktop. Before I could use Podman similarly to how I had used Docker, I had to do quite a bit of work to get everything set up.

I hope following my steps will save you some time when setting it up for yourself!